Who we are.

We are a network of people, patients and carers with hands on experience in medicine and health systems. We voluntarily contribute our time, energy, knowledge to help others better manage their health and have access to medicine. Your health experience matters. Join our community today.

LinkedIn of patient advocates. Find & be found.

Show your work, organize your conferences, discover projects, events, grants. Scale up your advocacy, scale up your impact. Health can't wait, we feel the pain.

Why join Crowdwell?

Get access to knowledge

Share and learn the latest medical insights, projects, grants and events. Shift your advocacy pain into gain.

Network of patient advocates

Showcase your contribution and hands-on experience. Set your priorities. Connect with others. Discover new opportunities to drive research.

Scale up your impact

Document your work with data & smart visuals. Save your precious time, enjoy life. Make healthcare fair.

Social Startup Europe Awards 2017

"An open source social platform connecting health concerned individuals, organizations, projects to boost transparency, access, reuse of data & open up science."